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“Anne Marie’s story is a moving example of what this book teaches: take the leap, trust the process, and extraordinary things will happen. Cultivating Audacity is Anne Marie’s blueprint for living a fearless, fulfilled life.”

ROBIN ROBERTS, Good Morning America co-anchor

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“Anne Marie’s story is a moving example of what this book teaches: take the leap, trust the process, and extraordinary things will happen. Cultivating Audacity is Anne Marie’s blueprint for living a fearless, fulfilled life.”

ROBIN ROBERTS, Good Morning America co-anchor

“Cultivating Audacity is for anyone looking to embrace life with confidence and boldness, just as Anne Marie has done for decades. If you want someone in your front row who believes in you like she believed in me, this book is your guide.”

DANA JACOBSON, CBS Saturday Morning co-host

“For as long as I’ve known Anne Marie, she’s been someone who’s never been afraid to take on new challenges. Like the great athletes I get to cover, she has thrived at every turn in the road, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Cultivating Audacity embodies her spirit. This book is for anyone ready to make daring decisions and pursue their goals with the determination of a winner.”

MIKE TIRICO, NBC Sports play-by-play announcer and host

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