You know not to post embarrassing pictures of yourself on Instagram and Snapchat, sexting is so stupid it can’t be discussed … but there are some more “don’ts” on my list of TV career torpedoes:
• Don’t date anybody at work … EVER. Really. He will end up being your boss – or worse being the guy who hires someone else because he doesn’t want his EX working for him.
• Be nice – this should be a rule of your life and not just to help your career but if you really need a reminder let me share this: Norby Williamson is now the Executive Senior Vice President of Programming for ESPN but he started his career in SportsCenter’s mailroom. Be nice…. You will see the same people on the way down that you saw on the way up.
• Don’t gossip about people at work … and don’t entertain anyone else trying to gossip about others to you. If they will do it TO YOU they will do it ABOUT you. Cut it off when someone starts.
• Don’t turn down a job – ever. If graphics aren’t your thing but you get the opportunity to be a graphics coordinator – take it. You will want to know later what to expect and ask of your graphic coordinator and the best way to find out is to do it yourself. I have been a stage manager, camera operator, graphics coordinator, teleprompter operator and every job in between …. I know when to chill and I know when someone isn’t doing his or her best.
• Follow up … so many times I get asked “can you help so and so?” only to extend myself and then have the information seeker not follow up. I am shy by nature … it is hard to feel I am “bothering” someone… but take advantage of those opportunities. Everyone was helped by someone along the way – most are more than willing to pay it forward.